Are you looking for construction safety nets in Bangalore. Prasanna safety net will do all that for you. Construction of new buildings has become a casual thing nowadays while starting to build these new sites. They will first only create all the floors then later they will move on to the side walls. So without these walls, most workers may feel unsafe while moving to the sides of the buildings. Sometimes carrying construction materials will already have a more significant impact on their balance while walking, which might result in fatal incidents. Prasanna Enterprise is offering a one-stop solution with its construction safety nets.

Fast & Free Installation

Professional Team Available for 24/7 hours, We offer absolute Installation Free of nets fixing for all types of requirements.
Trusted By Most Customer

We always concentrate on the specific requirements of the clients, Our long existence in this field is due to the strict quality standards we follow.
Warranty Assurance

Best Quality | Vast Collection | Low price | Free Installation 24*7 | Warranty Assured 3 to 8 Years | Support & Service | Free Quotation.